From mcvax!mcvax!uva!borton@uunet.UU.NET Fri Oct 21 12:53:12 1988Date: Fri, 21 Oct 88 17:27:17 +0100From: Chris Borton <mcvax!uva!borton@uunet.UU.NET>Organisation: Faculteit Wiskunde & Informatica, Universiteit van Amsterdam Kruislaan 409, 1098 SJ Amsterdam, The NetherlandsPhone: +31 20 5925022Telex: 10262 hef nlTo: werner@rascal.ics.UTEXAS.EDUSubject: nVIR weaponsHere's the whole bunch in one .sit, including Vaccination 1.1 - to remove an existing infection VirusWarningINIT - to warn when an infection may be occuring MacTutor nVIR Article (spring '88) - discusses the problem KillVirus - is an INIT by Matthias Urlichs against nVIR. It utilizes a safety feature of nVIR by creating a nVIR 10 resource in the System, which neutralizes the rest of the virus.